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3 MUST KNOW signs to STOP BULKING used by bodybuilders!

Keep that dream physique all year round by knowing these 3 simple signs and avoid looking like you don't lift.

You’ve followed the ultimate bulking guide and now your body is feeling fuller and stronger than ever, maybe a bit too full. So how do you know when you’ve taken the bulk too far? 


Maybe when you go from this to this in the space of six months…

start of transformation
transformation bad side

Or maybe when your clothes start begging you to put the food down. It’s hard to know when it’s time to cut back and start your next phase of the ultimate transition. However here are 3 sure signs that it’s time for the return of the abs that all good bodybuilders know!


The first sign that you have taken the bulk too far is when your body fat percentage increases beyond what you intended it to be. This is a clear indication that your body is storing more fat than it needs and that those square bars are catching up with you.


You can do this in two ways. First, you can measure your body fat percentage by clicking here. Track this weekly/monthly and keep it within a healthy range that aligns with your fitness goals. I would recommend not going above 20% body fat as this only increases the amount of time that you will need to spend cutting in order to reveal your hard-earned muscles.


Alternatively, you can simply look in the mirror and take an honest appraisal of your physique. compare it weekly and examine the changes. Have you lost definition? Are your abs becoming increasingly harder to see? If the answer to these questions is yes, then it might be time to stop the bulk.


When even walking to the fridge seems like a mountain to climb this is a second sign to end the bulk. Your energy levels should ideally increase as you bulk, therefore struggling to go to the gym makes bulking seem pretty counterproductive. After all, the ultimate goal is to build muscle, and that requires energy and dedication in the gym.

Try not to mix this up with the need to de-load which is a planned period of rest and recovery that aids in repairing the muscles after intense training. If you’re unsure then try a de-load. If the tiredness continues then drop the fat.


Maybe you haven’t reached your body’s desired level of muscularity, but if the sight of a barbell makes you want to head straight back to bed, then it’s a clear sign that the bulk has taken its toll on your motivation.


Try a different scenery. Give your body new goals and challenges by beginning that summer cut. See how to do so here. It will surely refresh you and make that return of the bulk evermore efficient and successful.


Looking for some extra motivation? Check out the armoury to find the ultimate tools to achieve success and stay consistent! If you’re just bored of eating the same bulking foods click here to find the ultimate bulking diet to spice up your meal plan. 

As disciplined as you are required to be to consistently attack your fitness goals it requires more discipline to acknowledge when to cut back. Overdoing it can be just as harmful as not doing it.


However, do not make rash decisions. Trust the process while evaluating your gains to achieve the most success. Combine these 3 sure signs to stop the bulk to achieve ultimate body recomposition and achieve your dream physique.


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