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Unlocking Your Full Potential: A Guide to Life Maximisation!

Have you ever longed for an additional pair of hands to keep up with the demands of life, increase the number of hours in your day, and unleash your true capabilities? Look no further than life maximisation!


The process of living consciously. Recognizing that your life is shaped by numerous choices you make yourself. I can’t give you more hours in a day. Life maximisation however can give you the process to accomplish more in 24 hours than what now takes you a week. 


Imagine having an extra 144 hours every single week, a whopping 576 hours each month, and a staggering total of 6,912 additional hours in a year. Just think about all the extraordinary things you could achieve with this newfound gift of time!

Now is your chance to become the person you and your loved ones have always imagined. Embrace these precious moments and seize the opportunity to make your ambitions come true while enjoying life’s most fulfilling experiences.


Allowing me to achieve a smooth blend of university, fitness, work, and managing an online business. Simultaneously, prioritising personal growth and nurturing social bonds through dating, friendships, as well as indulging in solitary moments for reading books and even writing my own.

Do You need Life maximisation?

So let’s find out what type of life you live! Envision a scenario where all 8 billion individuals on this planet find themselves immersed in a calm and tranquil river.


95% of these people will calmly follow the river along the stream and enjoy the tranquillity of the seemingly enjoyable river. 


Another 5% will begin to start swimming against the current and fight their way up the river. This is incredibly hard and tiring work. For reasons unknown they continue to swim. Neglecting the serene and soothing experience that the river provides.


Suddenly what felt like bliss quickly became discomfort and dread. Quickly the river became aggressive, bashing people along jagged rocks, drowning them with its overwhelming strength. 


As they followed the course of the river, they found themselves nearing a treacherous cliff. In their desperation to avoid danger and certain death, they began swimming vigorously against the current in a state of fear and anxiety. However it is too late, too weak they possess no ability to control their surroundings, themself or their life. 


Meanwhile, the second group thrived and swiftly conquered their surroundings, barely feeling the strength of the current as it brushed past them like a gentle wind. They skillfully crafted boats equipped with cosy beds that provided rest from what seemed like never-ending discomfort at one point. Unaware of the struggles faced by those downstream, they reveled in their newfound bliss.


Life maximisation is about embracing habits that may be challenging but ultimately allow you to unlock your full potential. It’s about making every moment count and utilising every opportunity for personal growth and fulfilment. The process of making conscious decisions and taking action to begin living. 

5 simple WAYS to achieve life maximisation!


1. Goal Setting

I am constantly surrounded by an abundance of goals, from the reminders on my wall to the notes in my notebook and even notifications on my phone.


Goals serve as beacons of guidance, illuminating the path for individuals like a lighthouse guiding a fisherman through the darkness of night.They give direction, a sense of certainty. 


I like to set myself 4 groups of goals. Daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. There is an art to setting them however. 


The goals you set should be detailed, not vague. They should be achievable yet ambitious. It is recommended to write down and recite your goals daily as a way to reaffirm your path and manifest them into reality. The act of consistently verbalising your aspirations increases their credibility over time.


(TIP: Carefully choose the words you write down and recite. Replace ‘I want to’ with ‘I will’. Instil a sense of certainty within your goals)

Here is an example of the goals that I have set for myself:

year goals for life maxmisation
(Yearly Goals & Steps To Achieve Them)
montlhy goals for life maxmisation
(Life, Daily, Monthly Goals)

In addition to setting work life goals, I also establish fitness goals using a lift and weight tracker. These tools are ideal for maintaining consistency and staying on the right path towards achieving these objectives.

If you notice every goal has actionable steps. Even in the macro year view I confirm the steps needed to make it, what will hold me back, when  it needs to be achieved and how it will be done. This makes goals a reality. 


It’s similar to a holiday. Many of us say we need a holiday, but without a destination in mind, the flight and hotel booked; the holiday will never become a reality and something to work towards. 


In order to maximise your life‘s potential, it is important to set goals and recognize that each day contributes towards achieving them. The key lies in knowing where to direct your efforts and ensuring every step is purposeful.

2. master discipline

Discipline refers to consistently taking action towards your goals, even during times when you may feel tired, lacking motivation or unwell. It requires a steadfast commitment to achieving your objectives on a daily basis.

daily motivation for life maxmisation

It is the process of actually taking that next step even when your mind is convincing you to sit down, take the foot off the pedal. 


Consider the immense potential of taking proactive measures and accomplishing tasks, even when faced with no motivation. Now Envision how effortless it would be to engage in activities that truly align with your desires and aspirations.


One personal example for me is waking up at 6am, which continues to challenge my typically strong self-discipline. I identify as a natural night owl and would prefer to stay awake until 3 am if given the choice. However, this lifestyle does not align with maximising productivity or the achievement of goals.


My Ultimate Morning Routine enables me to visit the gym prior to work, enabling improved focus on my tasks without any concerns about fitting in a workout later. This arrangement also allows for dedicated time towards completing university assignments or attending to business matters once I return home. 

How Much Discipline to achieve life maximisation?

What once would take three separate days now takes one. In turn earning you an extra ⅔ of your year back. By converting the short term discomfort of discipline into the satisfaction of personal growth and productivity.


It can be applied to all aspects of life. Fitness, business, relationships, and career transitions, one must be willing to endure discomfort persistently. It is through this perseverance that momentum builds until the task becomes enjoyable and the rewards can be reaped.


Let your down time be purposeful. That is life maximisation. Make sure that when you ease off on discipline that it is to recover, to enjoy time with family, go on vacation. It should be a conscious decision to relax. Not one that you get pulled into every other week as a result of laziness or distraction. 


It will allow you to feel less guilty and fully immerse yourself into relaxation having done the things you know needed to get done. 


At the outset, adhering to discipline might appear challenging as your mind constantly resists discomfort. Thus, it is crucial to initially place yourself in situations where your mind cannot resist such discomfort.


Spend too much time on your phone rather than working? Delete the apps that distract you. Drink too much? Don’t put yourself in positions that encourage alcohol. Spending too much money? Remove Apple Pay from your phone.


How many hours do you spend on monotonous tasks that have no meaningful impact?1 hour? 10 hours? 13 hours, maybe? 


Research has revealed that individuals on average dedicate approximately 18 hours and 45 minutes annually to bidding farewell during social gatherings. Uncovering that parting ways can typically consume up to 45 minutes, with the average person attending approximately 25 such events per year.


You could save up to a day just without saying two words. Imagine all the other time losses. However, it is not expected that you remove ‘goodbye’ from your vocabulary. But it should make you consider the impact of unintentional action. 


Life optimization prompts individuals to view their time as a valuable resource and make intentional choices about how they allocate it. Similar to managing finances, maximizing one’s life involves setting priorities and determining what activities are most meaningful and deserving of your time.


Do late nights out with friends every Saturday lead to deviating from your diet or missing gym sessions due to hangovers. 


Perhaps a better alternative would be to limit alcohol consumption by only drinking every other weekend. Alternatively, you could consider socialising until a reasonable hour like 10 pm so that you can ensure a good night’s rest and prioritise your health and fitness goals.


Sacrifices are difficult but necessary. It is important to prioritize oneself and ones aspirations. Consider the potential implications of your decisions.


It can also be more simple. Are you currently bulking but hate how much time it takes to cook every meal? Begin meal prepping. Turn what is 16 hours of cooking a week into only three hours by cooking your meals in bulk and preparing them for the day ahead. 


I personally save hours of my life just by buying and cooking a week’s worth of chicken in one session. Make a conscious effort to use your time efficiently and you will 10x your productivity and maximise your life.


Live like a boss. Not in the cliché Tommy Shelby motivational Facebook post sense, but rather in recognizing that certain tasks are better delegated to others. This is not about arrogance, but rather about maximising efficiency and allowing the boss to focus on making the important decisions.


Why do athletes have their nutrition, workout routines, and recovery protocols managed for them? This is to enable them to concentrate on their primary responsibility performing at the highest level in their sport. Why not adopt a similar approach?


Begin delegating a small portion at the end of your day to structure the day ahead. Plan your meals for the day, when you will eat them, when you will train and when you will work. (to maximise work productivity click here) This allows you to focus on simply achieving these tasks rather than wasting energy thinking about them. 


Be more present in life, create increasingly valuable relationships with your friends and family. And focus on the task at hand. Rather than what you will have to eat in 2 hours to reach your protein goal.


I’ll sleep when I’m dead. Sleep is for the weak. Says only the most unproductive of red pill David Goggins enthusiasts. 


Getting sufficient sleep plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity and achieving one’s full potential. As highlighted earlier, optimizing one’s life entails being fully engaged and making effective choices to enhance personal growth and well-being.


When wandering the earth on 4 hours sleep you will be lucky to make an efficient decision nevermind a conscious one. Your decisions will be tainted by tiredness and the human need to rest those sleep deprived eyes. 


Prioritise quality over quantity. 3 good hours of productivity will always trump 12 hours of poor unrested work. And the best way to ensure this is to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Moreover, it can facilitate the development of muscle mass, regulate stress levels, and enhance the potential for losing body fat.


Kind of like cocaine without the risk of fentanyl and the eventual come down. You should try it!

first step towards Life maximisation!

By setting clear and actionable goals, embracing discipline, prioritising your time, planning ahead, and recognizing the crucial role of quality sleep, you can unlock your full potential and achieve your dreams.


In a world where time is our most valuable resource, the choices we make everyday matter. Life maximisation empowers you to take control of your destiny and make conscious decisions that lead to a more fulfilling and productive life.


So, whether you’re a student juggling university, a professional managing a career, or an aspiring entrepreneur with big dreams, remember that you have the tools and mindset to navigate the river of life with purpose. 


Start your journey of life maximisation today, and watch as the extra hours you gain become the building blocks of your greatest achievements.

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