The methods to your ultimate success & self-improvement


4 simple steps that will provide 12 hours of energy and productivity. Accomplish this routine and completely transform your days for ultimate success!

In life nothing is certain but death, taxes and snooze buttons. With nearly 50% of adults admitting to pressing that dreaded button daily. 


But what if in that 10-minute snooze period, you could accomplish four simple tasks in your morning routine that will completely transform your days, weeks, months, and years for ultimate success? 


Providing you with enough energy to attack your whole day and say goodbye to that afternoon crash. Increasing your productivity and overall mood. 


So never press that snooze button again by following this ultimate morning routine to set your day up for success. Late, unproductive, groggy days are a thing of the past.

    1. Get out of bed.

Let’s get the hard part out of the way first. Start your day how you mean for it to continue. That wasn’t an attempt to be inspirational. By laying in bed an extra 10 minutes or slaving through the insta feed your brain becomes conditioned to continue these actions throughout the day. 


So why not condition the brain with productivity? Open those curtains and make your bed from the moment you wake up. Do what is right, not what is easy. 


If you continue to struggle to do so, give yourself a reason to get up on that alarm. Whether that be putting your phone in a different room or not allowing yourself to go on it till you have completed your morning routine. That first step is important. So get it done.



    1. Get some sun. 

Once you have made that first step, let the second one take you outside. Here we are going to kickstart your mind and body by looking in the general direction of the sun for around 3-5 minutes to allow your eyes to detect that sweet daylight. 


This will onset a boost in energy and sense of well-being. As a result of the sun’s ability to release endorphins. Additionally, it will increase your quality of sleep in turn making that first step in the morning even easier. 


Here I like two kill birds with one stone by using these 5 minutes as a period of meditation. Not the cringe type. Just a time of no distraction that allows you to simply think. Explore thoughts and solve problems. Or even plan the day ahead. 


This is your time, so do as you please. Listen to music, read a book or a personal favourite listen to podcasts and motivational speeches. One of the best sources of this is the Ben Lionel Scott YouTube channel.


Just don’t stare directly at the sun. This will only damage your eyesight. Look in the general direction and remember to blink. For more information on sun gazing check out The Huberman labs podcast where he discusses this in scientific detail. 


    1. Cold water exposure.

I know! What is an influencer routine without cold water? However, I’m not going to pretend as if I enjoy it. It is difficult. But so is everything that is worth doing. 


I’m also not going to pretend as if I jump into a cold plunge every morning. This is impractical and discouraging long term. My method of choice is a simple shower. Continue with your normal shower routine and turn it to cold for around 1-3 minutes in the end. 


Do so gradually. Slowly lower the temperature or increase your exposure every week. This is more than enough to receive the benefits. 


A boost to the immune system, an improved mental state, as well as improved circulation are all advantages of cold water exposure. The most significant benefit of all is its ability to provide an amazingly sharp sense of focus and alertness which cannot be emulated by any substance.



    1. No caffeine!

No, I’m not really that evil. Rather no caffeine for the first 90 to 120 minutes after waking. This will ensure steady and consistent energy levels throughout the day which will help avoid that irritating afternoon crash. 


This is because caffeine is an adenosine blocker. A molecule that builds within the body as we are awake and induces the feeling of tiredness. 


This is because caffeine is an adenosine blocker. A molecule that builds within the body as we are awake and creates the feeling of tiredness. By delaying that coffee you are making sure that there is adenosine in the body to block.  Otherwise, it’s like punching the air, inefficient and probably going to result in a nap. 


So complete your routine, eat that nutritious breakfast (Click here for THE ULTIMATE DIET) and reward yourself with that coffee for doing so.


The timing of this routine does not matter to a certain extent. So long as you wake up early enough to get some morning sun. I believe this to be user preference. And do not aim to create an army of superhuman individuals that wake at 4:30 am. I for one struggle to sleep before 12 am as I prefer to get work done in the morning and train in the late afternoon. for that reason, I wake up at 8:00 am.


I do not subscribe to the deluded need to rise at the break of dawn and conquer your demons to get a head start. However, it can be beneficial to some as it limits distractions and excuses to not get work done. 


Find what works for you and keep it consistent. Pick a time and stick to it. This will further aid that first step out of bed and form that much-needed routine.


Remember it only takes 30 days to make a habit so stick with it and it’ll stick with you. Providing you with hours of productivity, razor-sharp focus and overall improved mental and physical health. 


It can be difficult to implement numerous things into one’s lifestyle at once. For that reason do not be afraid of introducing one step at a time. Getting just 1% better a day results in atomic improvements across months, years and decades. 



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