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ULTIMATE SUPPLEMENTS: 6 Best Supplements To Crush The Gym!

We've rounded up the 6 ULTIMATE supplements to support your lifestyle, crush your workouts, maximize muscle gain and feel Incredible while doing so.

You’ve packed your must have accessories in your gym bag, got your workout fit on point, and hardstyle tunes ready to go. You’re ready to crush your gym session to become the ultimate you. But there’s one thing missing – supplements! 


You know, those magic pills and powders that give you that extra rep or motivation when you need it most. But with so many options and so many influencers trying to rob you of your hard earned cash; how do you know which ones actually work? 


Fear not! Say goodbye to muscle aches and half-arsed workouts. Here are the 6 ULTIMATE SUPPLEMENTS for increased muscle mass and strength:

1. Protein Powder

Let’s start with the most infamous gym supplement. Firstly this is not steroids. It will not magically grow you 20 lbs of muscle. It will however help you reach your protein intake which is imperative to reaching your fitness goals. (To calculate your protein intake click here)


Especially for those of you who struggle to maintain a consistent diet, this is the cheat code for still hitting your macro’s. Drink it, put it in your pancakes or porridge. It’s a versatile tool for muscle growth. But most importantly this supplement is beginner and bank account friendly. 


As it’s a dietary supplement it does not have to be taken at a certain time of day. Bro scientists believe that you should take it within 30 minutes post workout. However this is a myth. Take it when and how is the most convenient for you, whether that be with water at 12pm or milk at 3am.

2. Pre-Workout

If you’re looking for a boost of energy and focus to achieve optimal results in the gym, a pre-workout supplement is the way to go. Arguably my favourite supplement on the list, this liquid motivation could make even the scrawniest of humans feel like superman.


These supplements typically contain caffeine, B vitamins, and other ingredients to help improve endurance and mental clarity. It should be taken approximately 30 minutes before a workout with water. Dry scooping will not kill you so long as you’re sufficiently hydrated, but a little bit more water will only help the gains.


I personally opt for caffeine free pre workout that enhances focus and pump. Primarily as I train in the afternoon and don’t want to impact my sleep. Or feed my ever growing caffeine addiction. 


Bulk is the ultimate choice for pre workout aficionados due to their exceptional quality and reasonable pricesNotably, Bulk stands out from the competition thanks to its delicious taste: they have unique flavors such as their energy drink flavor that are hard to come by in another brand’s lineup.

However hypocritically I do recommend that beginners avoid these supplements within their first year of training. Grow your love for training first before developing your caffeine dependency. Your brain will crave the dopamine hit from pre workout and associate it with the gym. Without it, your motivation to go to the gym drops significantly!

3. Creatine

This supplement is a close second favourite. If you’re looking to build muscle mass and strength, creatine is a supplement you should consider. It helps increase muscle mass and performance by improving the body’s ability to produce ATP (the energy that fuels your muscles). Creatine has also been shown to help with recovery and reduce fatigue.


I have been taking creatine daily for over 2 years and consider it a must have within my supplement stack. It provides that extra last rep which is crucial when trying to progressive overload and push to failure. 


In terms of consumption it can be taken at any point of the day with a liquid of your choice. I prefer to take it pre workout as it possesses neutropic qualities that increase focus and mental clarity.

No need to splash the cash. Just buy the creatine that is cheapest and most convenient. It is important to buy creatine monohydrate because this form of creatine is better absorbed by the body, leading to higher efficiency.

4. Ashwagandha

AKA NATURAL STEROIDS?! False, don’t fall for the hype of this supplement. Just like protein powder you will not wake up with a 140kg bench. 


The fitness industry’s desire to find a natural steroid replacement has led many to believe that this increases testosterone massively. This once again is bro science. Although it may increase testosterone slightly this is as a result of its relaxing properties.


Ashwagandha’s primary role is to block cortisol. Cortisol is the bodily hormone that regulates stress. And therefore although it will not directly impact your gym progress it has the potential to aid it.


Blocking cortisol will lower stress levels leaving you feeling more relaxed and less anxious. It also has the ability to promote and improve sleep. Which does indeed increase testosterone and recovery, allowing you to perform at your best in the gym. 


As per Andrew Huberman you should take between 100mg-500mg per day and should not take for extended periods of time as it can permanently damage your cortisol regulation. It is recommended to take during periods of stress, such as exams, work deadlines, or any of other life’s misfortunes for no longer than 2 weeks. And cycle off for 2 weeks to allow your body to reset.

5. Omega 3 Supplements

Fish oil is a great supplement for overall health and wellness, but it’s especially helpful forfitness enthusiasts. It can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can aid in muscle recovery and reduce the risk of injury. Plus, it’s been shown to improve cognitive function and mood.


This supplement is not a necessity. However it is highly recommended for those that do njot consume much fish. I personally chose to get my omega 3 as part of my diet and eat fish every day. However fish oils are considered to be a cheaper option.

6. Vitamin D3 Supplements

Vitamin D is an important nutrient for overall health and is especially important for bone health. But it’s also been shown to be helpful for muscle function and strength. Look for a Vitamin D3 supplement (the most bioavailable form) with at least 2,000 IU per serving.


Similarly to creatine I take this supplement every day. If you live in the UK you know that the sun is a rare sight and for that reason I ensure that I still receive my daily vitamin D through supplementation. Dont let the sun stop your gains.


With these 6 supplements in your arsenal, you’ll be able to crush every gym session like a pro. Just remember, supplements are meant to supplement (hence the name) a healthy diet and exercise routine, not replace them. 


So make sure you’re eating a balanced diet by using our guide and getting plenty of rest and recovery time in between workouts.


What is the point in paying £40 for protein powder if your diet does not facilitate muscle growth in the first place? What is the point in taking creatine for that extra rep if you’re leaving 6 reps in the bag because you’re not getting 8 hours of sleep a night?


Perfect the basics by checking out our other guides such as (THE BEST MORNING ROUTINETO ACHIEVE SUCCESS) or (HOW TO MEAL PREP LIKE A PRO) then move onto making those marginal increases to maximize efficiency in the gym. Now go and become the ultimate you!


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