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Master Mini-Cutting: Unleash Your Summer Physique in 4 Weeks!

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on mini-cutting in bodybuilding, where we unravel the secrets to achieving lean gains and sculpting your dream physique!

how to mini cut

If you’re seeking the fastest way to transform your body, shed excess fat, and building muscle definition, you’ve come to the right place. In the world of bodybuilding, mini-cutting has emerged as a powerful technique that offers a unique approach to achieving these results.


The approach enables you to improve your physical appearance by strategically incorporating brief, aggressive phases of calorie restrictions to stay lean all year round and maintain muscle mass. Whether you’re a seasoned bodybuilder or just starting your fitness journey, mini-cutting can propel you closer to your goals.


Throughout this article, we will dive deep into the science behind mini-cutting, provide step-by-step guidance on creating an effective plan, explore the crucial role of training and cardio, and unveil the power of supplementation. We’ll equip you with practical tips to stay motivated and overcome challenges along the way, ensuring that your mini-cutting experience becomes a rewarding and transformative one.


So, if you’re ready to unlock your body’s true potential, trim away stubborn fat, and reveal the chiselled physique you’ve always dreamed of, let’s embark on this mini-cutting journey together. Get ready to sculpt your body like never before and become Ibiza’s most shredded this summer.

What is Mini-cutting?

A mini cut is a shorter duration cutting phase designed to achieve significant fat loss while preserving muscle mass. Typically lasting between 3 to 6 weeks, a mini cut is more aggressive compared to longer cuts, akin to a shotgun rather than a boring old pistol. Really packing that punch.


The primary goal of a mini cut is to extend the massing phase, especially for competitors who want to stay close to stage condition. Or to get photoshoot ready on short notice.


There are two key aspects of a mini cut: its short duration and its aggressive nature. By keeping the duration limited to one mesocycle, it allows for noticeable results without losing momentum gained during the massing phase. The aggressive approach involves creating a significant calorie deficit while prioritising muscle preservation.


Mini cuts offer several advantages. Firstly, they are efficient due to their short duration, allowing for a high level of aggressiveness in terms of the calorie deficit. Generally, the greater the deficit, the more fat can be lost in a shorter time. Additionally, mini cuts help prevent excessive metabolic adaptation and help maintain insulin sensitivity, making subsequent mass gaining phases more effective.

How to mini cut?

The most important part of this process begins with calculating your caloric deficit. Without this we can not lose weight or fat at all. To do so you will need to know your maintenance calories. If you don’t already know it, click here and calculate your estimated maintenance to begin.


Additionally, it is recommended that you estimate your body fat percentage as a second step. This will serve as a basis for determining the appropriate level of caloric deficit; the more fat you have the more you are able to efficiently shed. It is important to achieve an aggressive deficit without compromising muscle mass preservation.


Measure your body fat percentage here!


Apply this measurement to the graph below to determine your weekly weight loss goal.

body weight % loss per week

Who would’ve thought that Einstein walked so that us meat heads could prosper and achieve maximum aesthetics. So grab your calculator and input your personal measurements into this equation:


(Bodyweight (LBS) x BW% loss per week = Weekly weight loss goal (LBS)


Therefore an individual weighing 200 lbs at 15% BF, should aim to lose 1% of their bodyweight per week (200 x 0.01 = 2). To successfully achieve this, individuals must maintain a set daily caloric deficit. Apply the deficit below that correlates with your weekly weight loss goal.


0.5lbs per week – 250 caloric deficit

1lbs per week – 500 caloric deficit

2lbs per week – 1000 caloric deficit.


Therefore, the previous example should deduct 1000 calories from their maintenance calorie intake to determine their daily caloric consumption throughout the mini-cut. It is recommended that an individual should not exceed more than 1.5% of bodyweight loss per week to maintain muscle mass.

How to eat while mini-cutting?

Here we focus on setting our macros. Proteins, fats, and carbs. 


Protein is essential for muscle preservation, and a good rule of thumb is to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Adjustments may be necessary for individuals with different body compositions or those experiencing increased hunger. Increasing protein intake can be an effective way to suppress hunger as it is the most satiating macronutrient.


Fat intake should be kept relatively low to prioritise carbohydrate intake for performance and overall health. A recommended starting point is around 0.3 grams of fat per pound of body weight. However, adjustments may be made based on individual needs and preferences.


Carbohydrates make up the remaining calorie intake and should be based on the available calories after setting protein and fat. It’s important to prioritise nutrient-dense whole foods and aim for at least 80% of the diet to consist of “clean” or “wholesome” foods. Adequate fibre intake, around 20 grams per day, should also be prioritised.

What about nutrient timing?

When in a deficit, nutrient timing becomes increasingly important. As calories are so low we should input them when needed most. Therefore you will aim to spread your protein intake evenly across all meals of the day. 


Most importantly we will want to sandwich our workouts with a large intake of carbs in order to ensure good performance in the gym. Thus you will want the majority of your carbs during your pre and post workout meals. You Can’t drive a car with no fuel. And neither can you lift to your best ability.

How to train while mini-cutting?

The same! During a mini cut we will want to continue to train as if we were trying to grow muscle. Keep the high intensity to keep the muscle. We need to give it a reason to stick around.


Admittedly you may want to reduce the number of sets per muscle group by one or two depending on your ability to recover. Don’t take the piss, we still need to go hard. This will also allow for a period of resensitization to volume. Putting you in the best position to attack the weights when you’re back on the bulk.


Prepare to feel slightly weak. Remember that we’re operating in a deficit. You will no longer feel invincible and the weight may feel like its tripled in your hands. You shouldn’t on the other hand actually be weaker. Aim to maintain the same reps and weight as you would usually for the most part. So don’t drop the weight to make you’re life easier, it will only result in excess muscle loss.


To keep lifts consistent download THE ULTIMATE LIFT TRACKER and maintain maximum muscle mass through tracking weight, sets and reps all in one easy to use place.


What is that? Sounds useless to me.


No seriously, for those of you murdering yourself on the cardio machine it’s a complete waste of your time. 


All your doing is earning yourself more food. Which for those on very low caloric intakes can be useful to ensure that you reach your macronutrients. Otherwise it is not needed.


However, if you’re adamant that you want to do cardio. Keep it short. Remember we are already low on fuel and have put enough petrol in the tank to facilitate our lifting sessions 


Secondly, keep it low intensity. Cardio is catabolic. Meaning that it prevents muscle growth. We want to keep the muscle we have achieved, not throw it away on the chair master.

When to mini cut?

When you need one. To find out if you need a mini cut see here


Mini cuts should be partnered with long periods of bulking to ensure that the body is maintained at an acceptable body fat % and is functioning efficiently.


In order to overcome the exhaustion and lack of progress on a bulk, it is recommended to implement these strategies when you have some extra weight to lose. As demonstrated by newton’s third law, one cannot lose body fat one does not have.


A training cycle may look like this:


Bulking cycle – 5 weeks – 170 lbs


Bulking cycle – 5 weeks – 175lbs 


Bulking cycle – 5 weeks – 185 lbs


Mini cut cycle – 4 weeks – 180 lbs


Bulking cycle – 5 weeks – 185 lbs


Bulking cycle – 5 weeks – 190 lbs


Bulking cycle – 5 weeks – 195 lbs


It’s a clean as you go method. Rather than simply bulking for a whole 30 weeks which will make you look like this overtrained lump of lard. It ensures confidence, efficiency and health all year round. 


You won’t exactly look stage ready, however it’s used to extend periods of bulking and aggressively get rid of body fat to continue maximum muscle growth.


Don’t underestimate how much you can get done in 5 weeks. 


The easy thing about mini cuts is that it doesn’t take much admin. Once the calories have been calculated, you should continue eating, training and moving the same as usual so long as you stay under the calories. 


The same goes for supplements. For a list of the best supplements for optimal strength and muscle growth see here

To make the experience easier and more enjoyable, I have found two incredible supplements that make a significant difference. Just like a junkie with their fix, these supplements are my secret weapons.

Firstly is the blood of body builders. Protein powder. Typically, I do not rely on it as my primary source of protein. However, when food options are limited during a diet, incorporating this supplement can be highly beneficial for reaching the necessary protein intake needed to preserve muscle mass in this phase.


There’s no need to fork out the cash for expensive protein. It’s all the same. Although some do tend to result in horrific stomach aches and spending more hours getting it out of your system than you do using it. 


I highly recommend these two affordable protein powders that offer exceptional quality:

The vanilla flavour is incredible and smooth. None of this orange juice with bits type protein shake. Neither is it heavy on the stomach.

Another great shake with greater flavours. Caramel toffee popcorn is my personal favourite. Forget those fraudulent low cal tik tok cake recipes, this is a great dessert in itself.  


Both shakes are just as good mixed with water as milk or other alternatives and thus great for a cut.

No, not for its apparent natural steroid-like properties. Instead for its regulation of cortisol, or the stress hormone. When in  a large deficit your body is under large levels of stress, on top of already being hangry. 


This will help staying calm and not wanting to put a hole in any little inconvenience in your life throughout the 3-6 weeks.

Mini-cut motivation

Congratulations on embarking on your mini-cutting journey! As you dive deeper into the process, it’s essential to stay motivated and overcome the challenges that may arise along the way. Let’s explore some strategies to keep your spirits high and ensure your success:

Set Clear and Realistic Goals

  • Start by defining clear and achievable goals for your mini-cut. Whether it’s shedding a specific amount of fat, improving muscle definition, or preparing for a special event, having a target in mind will keep you focused and motivated. Break your goals into smaller milestones to celebrate your progress along the way.

Track Your Progress:

  • Documenting your journey is a powerful motivator. Take weekly progress photos, record your measurements (Bf%, waist measurement, weight), and keep a journal of how you feel both physically and mentally. Seeing tangible evidence of your hard work and dedication will boost your confidence and drive you to push harder.

Surround Yourself with Support:

  • Building a support system can make a world of difference during your mini-cut. Share your goals with friends, family, or like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement and accountability. Consider finding a workout buddy who shares your aspirations. Together, you can inspire and push each other to new heights, even when pushing that weight feels like hell on earth.

Embrace the Power of Mindset:

  • Your mindset is a key factor in staying motivated and overcoming challenges. Instead of focusing on what you can’t have during your mini-cut, shift your perspective to what you can achieve. Embrace the feeling of empowerment that comes from making positive choices for your health and body. Visualise your end goal and remind yourself of the incredible transformation you’re working towards.

Celebrate Non-Scale Victories:

  • Remember that progress is not solely measured by the numbers on a scale. Acknowledge and celebrate non-scale victories, such as increased energy levels, improved sleep, enhanced strength, or better mood. Recognize the positive changes happening within your body and embrace them as signs of success.

Overcoming Challenges:

  • No journey is without obstacles, but it’s how you handle them that determines your success. When faced with challenges, such as cravings or moments of self-doubt, remind yourself of your why. Revisit your goals and the reasons you started this journey. 

Reward Yourself:

  • Treat yourself to non-food rewards as you achieve milestones along your mini-cut. Whether it’s buying a new workout outfit, indulging in a relaxing massage, or taking a day off to enjoy your favourite hobbies, rewarding yourself will provide an extra incentive to stay committed and motivated.

Seek alternative strategies:

  • Find healthy substitutes for cravings or distracting yourself with a favourite activity during challenging moments. For diet tips & hacks see here for the ultimate cutting shopping list. Remember, you are stronger than any obstacle that comes your way.


Remember, your mini-cut is a transformative journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and a positive mindset. We don’t eat in an aggressive deficit to feel happy. We do it for delayed gratification and to be proud of the extents to which we can push our bodies. Feeling happy will be an extension as a result of achieving your goals. 


Stay strong. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth and celebrate each step forward. You have the power to unleash your inner warrior and emerge from this mini-cut stronger and more confident than ever before!


Stay motivated, stay focused, and enjoy the incredible results that await you on this empowering journey.


Get ready to achieve remarkable results in just 4 weeks with mini-cutting. It’s time to unlock your body’s true potential, say goodbye to excess fat, and reveal the sculpted physique you’ve always dreamed of. Join us on this transformative journey and become the best version of yourself this summer! 


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